Competition: the Catalyst of Greatness
The United States is built on capitalism. Capitalism requires competition. One of the main reasons our economy has been able to grow into what it is today is because of companies and individuals constantly trying to outdo their competitors and offer a better product or service.
Without competition, we are left with stale monopolies and no urge to innovate. A lack of competition leads to complacency and ineffectiveness.
We see the opposite of this in sports. In modern society, there is intense competition in everything from football to golf. The result is a continual raising of the bar and unprecedented heroic feats. This would not happen if competition was limited.
How exciting would college football be if there were only two teams? Read More…
2014 News Items to Remember
This is a collection of the biggest news topics of 2014. You cared so much. You were so scared. What happened? Read More…
What Is Orthorexia?
This was a clip played on episode 669 of the best podcast in the universe AKA ‘No Agenda’.
Here are a few things you should know.
#1. The DSM is the bible of mental illnesses.
#2. You are mentally ill if you’re concerned about what you put into your body.
#3. Don’t get any positive ideas about changing your lifestyle or eating healthy because it is a slippery slope.
#4. Gluten, dairy, sugar, and carbs are major food groups. If you cut them out you won’t have much else left to eat.
#5. The following are RED FLAGS that somebody is mentally ill and suffering from Orthorexia: losing a lot of weight, not going to unhealthy restaurants/parties, or being careful about what you eat.
Why Football Will Never Be Big In The United States
Football, better known as soccer to Americans, will never be a mainstream sport in the United States. Here are 5 reasons why. Read More…
How To Talk Like Porky Pig
Bob Bergen (voice of Porky Pig) explains the formula behind the famous stutter.
Weird Al – Foil Music Video
Weird Al is releasing a new music video every day for 8 days. This is the 3rd video and my favorite so far. I love the 2nd verse!
Mario Meets Magritte
Your favorite video game plumber visits the surreal world of RenĂ© Magritte. Read More…
Extremely Tall Teenager Gets Engaged to Leg-Sized Boyfriend
The picture says it all. Read More…
New Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie On The Way
The remake express is running full steam ahead. Lionsgate announced yesterday that a new Power Rangers movie is on the way. Read More…