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Kneel In Da Grass Tyson

Kneel in da grass, Tyson.

What Is Orthorexia?

This was a clip played on episode 669 of the best podcast in the universe AKA ‘No Agenda’.

Here are a few things you should know.

#1. The DSM is the bible of mental illnesses.

#2. You are mentally ill if you’re concerned about what you put into your body.

#3. Don’t get any positive ideas about changing your lifestyle or eating healthy because it is a slippery slope.

#4. Gluten, dairy, sugar, and carbs are major food groups. If you cut them out you won’t have much else left to eat.

#5. The following are RED FLAGS that somebody is mentally ill and suffering from Orthorexia: losing a lot of weight, not going to unhealthy restaurants/parties, or being careful about what you eat.

New Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie On The Way

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers CastThe remake express is running full steam ahead. Lionsgate announced yesterday that a new Power Rangers movie is on the way. Read More…

The Wolf of Buzzfeed Trailer

Wolf Of BuzzfeedA black comedy about the shady dealings & corruption of Buzzfeed. Read More…

Deleted Scene From ‘Gravity’ That Changes Everything

Alfonso Cuarón is a brilliant director, but why did he leave this out of the theatrical release of ‘Gravity’?

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Grand Theft Auto Teaching Kids To Drive Pianos

GTA Piano Car
The brutality & violence of the Grand Theft Auto series is now teaching kids to drive pianos instead of  play them. Read More…

The Lonely Island – Semicolon

Here’s a song off of The Lonely Island’s latest – ‘The Wack Album’.