Tag Archive | science

Eric Weinstein’s Bookshelf: a List of Significant Books – Part 1

Top Shelf

A recent Eric Weinstein tweet sparked this mini-project. There’s not much information readily available online regarding Eric’s favorite books or book recommendations. The reason for this may be because he says people are usually disappointed when he does share them. Nevertheless, he recently posted a picture of over 100 books that were significant enough for him to bring home after cleaning out his office. Let’s dive in to Eric Weinstein’s bookshelf!

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A Scientific Method For Finding Waldo Faster

Wheres WaldoWhere’s Waldo!?! Here’s a proven method to find Waldo faster. Read More…

The Pale Blue Dot

The Pale Blue Dot is the name of a photograph of Earth taken in 1990 at the request of legendary scientist, Carl Sagan. Read More…

Vedic Multiplication – How The Ancients Multiplied Large Numbers

This technique for multiplying numbers involves drawing lines and counting the number of intersecting points. It may not always be practical, but it’s very cool! Read More…

LIFX – Reinventing the Light Bulb for the Modern World

This fully-funded Kickstarter project impressively revamps the modern light bulb. Read More…

Tim Ferriss’ 35th Give-Back Birthday – What I’ve Done & What You CAN Do

Tim Ferriss has issued a challenge. To celebrate his 35th birthday, he is asking people to support students in developing countries through Vittana. Learn how you can help this great cause. Read More…

CERN Scientists Announce Startling New Discovery Regarding Higgs Boson

‘The Godfather Particle’

In a strange turn of events, scientists have discovered the true nature of the Higgs Boson.

Head here for my more serious take on the matter.

Everything You Need to Know About the God Particle – Higgs Boson Explained

There’s been a lot of talk surrounding the July 4th discovery of the Higgs Boson particle. It’s an idea that’s way over most of our heads, but I’ve attempted to round up everything I’ve learned and present it in one place. Read More…

Open Heart Surgery Videos & ‘The Tin Man’

Open heart surgery is not something many people have witnessed or know much about. This type of surgery is amazing. Read More…

Are Parallel Universes Responsible For Déjà Vu?

Theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku, talks about déjà vu and parallel universes. Read More…