Death Van Animated Space Rock Adventure
Death Van is a short film by Michael Enzbrunner. It’s a surreal 6-minute adventure through a land of music and weird creatures. The music is good and the animation is top notch!
Gotta love the hand creature that plays the guitar!
RoboCup Bloopers
RoboCup is held annually across the world. It’s a serious competition, but these autonomous robots provide laughs as well. Read More…
Everything You Need to Know About the God Particle – Higgs Boson Explained
There’s been a lot of talk surrounding the July 4th discovery of the Higgs Boson particle. It’s an idea that’s way over most of our heads, but I’ve attempted to round up everything I’ve learned and present it in one place. Read More…
Freaky Test Footage From 1979’s ‘Alien’
Bolaji Badejo, who played the Alien in Ridley Scott’s classic, practices his moves. Source: BoingBoing
Harmony Korine Brings More Weird With ‘The Fourth Dimension’
Harmony Korine is a director known for bizarrely artistic films like ‘Gummo’ and ‘Trash Humpers’. Read More…
‘Shuffle’ a Sci-Fi Film by Director of ‘Dear Zachary’
If you haven’t seen the documentary ‘Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father’, you’re missing out on one of the most devastatingly emotional documentaries ever. ‘Shuffle’ switches gears and is a science fiction film about “a man who has no idea why he keeps waking up at different points in his life”. Read More…